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Basil Garlic Pesto

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This dairy free, basil garlic pesto has all of the tang and flavor of traditional pesto, with a fraction of the fat.

Traditional ingredients in a pesto are basil, oil, pine nuts, and a hard cheese such as parmesan. Thanks to nutritional yeast and cashews, here’s a more macro-friendly, dairy-free, oil-free version of basil garlic pesto. Compare:

  • Typical Pesto: 165 Calories for 2 tbsp, with 15g of fat, 4g of carbs, and 3g of protein.
  • This Recipe: 78 Calories for 2 tbsp. serving with 3g fat, 6g carbs, and 6g protein.

What is Nutritional Yeast and why is it in this basil garlic pesto?

Yeast is a fungus – living, single cell critters. When used in baking, yeast eats the sugar and produce carbon dioxide (and alcohol). The carbon dioxide gas is what gives bread its lightness and beautiful airy holes. When the yeast is dead, bread doesn’t rise. Nutritional yeast is the same type of fungus as regular yeast….except it’s intentionally killed during the manufacturing process.

Yeast is a source of (complete) protein and carbs. It’s also micronutrient dense and most notably rich in folic acid and B-12. Given that vegans have fewer food source options when it comes to complete protein sources and certain vitamins and minerals, it’s an excellent add in a plant-based diet. Limited research on certain constituents within nutritional yeast indicate the possibility of antioxidant effect and reduction in cholesterol. I don’t find the data conclusive enough, however given the excellent overall nutrient properties of the food, it’s certainly worth trying it out.

Nutritional yeast readily incorporates into nearly any type of recipe and imparts a “cheesiness” flavor without the cheese. Therefore, those who are lactose intolerant may also enjoy this for some cheese-like flavor. You can simply shake it on top of whatever you’re eating or incorporate it into a sauce or dip. I’ve shaken it directly on salads as well as popcorn. It has a fairly strong smell, but the taste is very mild.

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