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Frozen Peanut Butter Cups

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These high protein frozen peanut butter cups are the perfect cure for an evening sweet tooth and a go-to treat to help stay on track.

Frozen Peanut Butter Cups

If you are working to get more protein in your diet, it can be a struggle at first. Incorporation from lean whole foods – poultry, meats, dairy, eggs, tofu, is the foundation, and protein powder supplements can be used as a supporting option, especially to help with a sweet tooth. These frozen protein peanut butter cups are a great example.

Before we get started talking about the recipe, you’re first going to need some silicone molds for your cups to ensure they pop out perfectly:

Plan ahead, you need to freeze them for at least two hours before enjoying. I encourage you to make a large batch to eat throughout the week…. YES you could eat these every night! If they have been frozen for a prolonged period, thaw them at room temperature for 15 minutes before eating.

The macros are highly adjustable. I used a ~50:50 mix of peanut powder and peanut butter. Use 100% peanut powder to decrease fat, or use 100% peanut butter to increase fat. For the protein powder I’m using Chocolate Trutein (whey-egg-casein) blended with a bit of coco powder for extra chocolatey-ness. The flavor combos are endless. If you are using a different type of powder, you will likely need to adjust the amount of nut or seed milk.

Non-peanut alternative

If you are allergic to peanuts, almond powder plus almond butter can be substituted directly. If you are allergic to all nuts, sunflower butter works great as well.

I hope you enjoy this recipe – send me a picture of yours

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