Cookie-cutter programs and online calculators/apps are based on average populations and do not consider you as an individual – your preferences, lifestyle, and nuances of your goals. My mission with nutrition coaching is to enable transformative changes that will enable you as an athlete to reach your highest potential, and establish long term health sustainability, encouraging a growth mindset towards nutrition and training.

Nutrition coaching is more than just food. If you care about your long term performance as an athlete and your health, there are no fast fixes or extremes. I look forward to guiding you through the process and focusing your effort on what truly “moves the needle” for you versus distractions which can waste your energy or worse, hold back your performance.

Whether you are just starting out on your health and fitness journey or on the path to competition or major fitness events, it’s important to get ahead on nutrition to maximize the results of the hard work you’re putting in. I’ve successfully worked with men and women of all ages and abilities to improve body composition, athletic performance, and health.

I hold a PhD in Chemistry and am certified by the International Society of Sports Nutrition (CISSN). I have a lifetime commitment to learning and spend a lot of time critically reviewing scientific developments in nutrition science and also conduct peer-reviewed, systematic reviews of research.

This knowledgebase spares you from marketing hype and watered-down, over-simplified information. I’m also hybrid athlete and love CrossFit, strength training, and trail running. I’ve completed some of the most grueling multi-day tactical endurance events across the country. Through training, I developed the mental toughness and growth mindset habits which I directly apply into my coaching. 

Consult Meeting, Custom Plan + 1:1 Detailed Coaching

Eliminate any guesswork and build high performance habits. Ideal for those with highly targeted performance or physique goals. The recommended option for competing strength, endurance, or CrossFit athletes, or mil/LE/Fire tactical performance (note if you are active duty on application form for discount – thank you for your service). This option includes check-in twice per week (minimum), monthly face to face or video reviews, and food log audits. Your custom plan will be adjusted based on feedback and progress.

– $250/month (month to month)

– $400 / 8 weeks

– $650 /12 weeks

– $800 / 16 weeks

Custom Plan + Online Tracking

Renewable in 8 week increments, the Custom Plan + Tracking program provides a personalized goal-based nutrition plan (for fat loss, performance, or muscle building), and a tracking file for you to input progress metrics which I review and provide weekly feedback.

– $250 / 8 week block

What do I receive with 1:1 detailed coaching?
  • Direct partnership with me – an expert-level nutrition coach (PhD, CISSN, MBA) and fellow strength-endurance athlete/competitor
  • A highly customized nutrition plan based on your goal (fat loss, improving strength or endurance performance, gaining muscle) lifestyle, and preferences. You plan leaves no uncertainty about your priorities and focus.
  • Direct accountability through a minimum 2x week email check in. You are expected to check in with me proactively, but if you don’t, I am going to contact you.
  • Periodic in person or virtual meetings to review progress
  • My monitoring of your progress and making adjustments to your custom plan (if required) to ensure your progress
  • Unlimited ability to contact me with questions, high responsiveness
  • Assessment of food diaries and food selections, if desired
  • Recipe ideas
What do I receive with a custom plan + online tracking?
  • A highly customized nutrition plan based on your goal (fat loss, improving strength or endurance performance, gaining muscle) lifestyle, and preferences. You plan leaves no uncertainty about your priorities and focus.
  • A Google Sheet based tracking sheet to input your data.
  • Review of you google sheet once per week and email feedback.
  • My monitoring of your progress and making adjustments to your custom plan (if required) to ensure your progress.
  • Recipe ideas
Are there any food restrictions?

Based on our initial consultation, we will define your daily energy needs and create the appropriate balance of protein, carbohydrates, and healthy fats. You will be provided recommended foods list. No foods are “off limits” but we will be looking to transition your diet to more wholesome foods that will support you health, keep your energy level up, and help you stay satisfied.

What if I have dietary restrictions or allergies?

We work within your dietary framework and also provide you education on the trade-offs. We have a high degree of flexibility. I have omnivore, vegetarian, and vegan clients as well as those with specific food sensitivities.

Who do you typically work with?

I work with a wide range of male and female clients ranging from 20 to 70 years of age. Historically, my clients have a broad range of goals – from sedentary individuals who want to lose a significant amount of weight and improve their health, to strength and endurance athletes who are looking to get leaner, build muscle, and/or improve sport performance. I also have a number of military, LE and Fire clients who seek top mission capability managing through odd shift work and/or limited food choices at certain times.

I only work with individuals who are over the age of 18, drug-free, and have no diagnosed medical conditions that could contradict the nutrition programming. If you are uncertain, please first consult with your physician. Disclaimer

What is your refund/cancellation policy?

Because you will be receiving a detailed program up front, I do not offer refunds. I do understand that unforeseen life circumstances can come up; you are able to press “pause” for up to one month during our time together.

Can you share an overview of the process?

1. Needs Assessment, Nutrition Consultation, and Plan Generation. Based on our nutrition consultation, I will establish a plan specifically tailored to your goals, preferences, lifestyle, activity level, diet history, and training history. By tailoring the plan to your specific variables, we increase the likelihood of consistency and satisfaction – the most important drivers of success!

2. Plan Review. We will review your plan and discuss metrics to track progress, preparation, and practical strategies, and meal brainstorming. Further, we will identify potential roadblock scenarios that risk your progress and establish solutions for them in advance.

3. Execution, Accountability, Continued Optimization. Now that we have the plan established, it’s time to follow through! For accountability you will report to me twice per week. We will also have calls or meetings to review progress, adherence, behaviors, energy level, stress, and physical performance. Based on these sessions, we will make refinements to your plan. In between our check-ins and meetings, you have access to me via text or email to ask questions.

4. Further Goal Planning and Long Term Strategy. When you’ve achieved your key near-term goals, it’s critical to have a strategy to maintain all of hard earned progress. We will ensure that the habits you are establishing become second nature, and plot a course for the next goals.

I respect privacy and do not publish client transformation photos. Check out client feedback here.

Instagram: Facebook: @1modusenergy