
Everyone has unique needs – our partnership is focused on your success and your results. If any of the below resonate with you, reach out and we’ll discuss the right path forward.

  • Improving physique and feeling good in your skin
  • Fat loss, and keeping off the weight
  • Growing muscle and getting stronger
  • Improve cardiovascular endurance
  • Recover from hard training and be primed to go again
  • Improvement of overall health
  • Feeling more energetic, doing more of the activities you enjoy
  • Taking control over your nutrition – knowledge, mindfulness, habits
  • Achieving healthy balance and stable weight
  • Increasing confidence in your decisions about food

Client Feedback

Sara B.

This is the best I have felt physically in a long time in regards to energy, body composition, and progressing in the gym! I was also confident going into the holidays balancing my meals in a way I didn’t lose progress and I could enjoy some of my favorite foods.

Kim’s help and knowledge has been so appreciated and I hope to remain a client many times in the future during various phases of life/goals!

Jason D.

Kim is amazing, all I can say is thank you! I have learned so much through our time together and what I really liked most about working with Kim is she took the the time to explain the why behind nutrition, and I never felt like just a number. I could go on and on about how much I learned and what a great experience this has been but honestly I’ve gotten way more her coaching than I could of ever expected. I feel prepared for my upcoming 250 mile run.

Vienna K.

Favorite Activities: I play competitive basketball and over-the line, and also enjoy CrossFit, hiking, cycling, golf, and water-skiing.

What was your goal and are you pleased with the results? I had a full knee replacement in November 2019. For the year following the surgery I had decided that I would concentrate solely on my recovery. COVID hit and I had to be very creative with my PT. My GOAL was to learn about my nutritional needs, macronutrient balance, and portions to lose FAT, gain Lean Muscle and weigh in about 165 lbs. I actually settled in at 163.5 lbs. and lost about 16”. I am very pleased with the results! Never in a million years did I think I would be able to be this lean at my age. Lots of hard work and great coaching from Kim. The insight, knowledge and habits I have gained will remain with me for the remainder of my life….my new normal.

How did working with me compare to your previous experience dieting?  NO Comparison at all. When I wanted to lose weight in the past I reduced my calories, starved myself, and tried to exercise more. I didn’t really have a plan except for restricting calories. I would always put the weight back on. Now I have sustainable habits, and the weight has stayed off.

Was coaching “worth it” to you?  Kim is extremely know knowledgeable about athlete nutritional needs, macronutrients, good alternative foods, recipes, etc…..all I can say is….just everything. The best part about having Kim by my side is just that she was with me all the way. She didn’t just give me a ‘to do list’, she was there to encourage, understand,
commiserate and enjoy in my success.

What is the most important thing you learned?  I learned quite a bit from Kim. The most important item would be that changing your eating,
understanding your foods and intake doesn’t happen over night. The process was hard, challenging and very rewarding! Having a coach with advanced understanding to be able to accommodate life’s little challenges was the icing on the cake.

Donica R.

Favorite Activities: CrossFit, running, sailing

What was your goal and are you pleased with the results? Yes. My original intent was to shed some weight for sailing. I’ve dropped the weight, kept it off, and feel leaner and my clothes fit well. 

How did working with me compare to your previous experience dieting?  I’ve been doing CrossFit for three years and exercising most of my life, but it wasn’t until I signed up with Kim and tackled my nutrition, when I saw results. It’s a long game and no amount of dieting or boot camps will have a lasting impact. It’s the small changes to my daily eating that make a difference in my weight. My gym isn’t just in the gym, my kitchen is a gym too. You can’t out-exercise a bad diet!

Was coaching “worth it” to you?  The habits I learned from Kim in our time together have been life altering. In the marathon of life, it’s the small and consistent habits that generate real change. Without Kim, I would never have made it this far. I’m on it for the long game. 

Craig T.

Favorite Activities: Powerlifting, yoga, running

What was your goal and are you pleased with the results?  My primary goal was to squat 400 lbs and be as strong as possible weighing under 145.5 lbs and I am very pleased with my results. Since working with you I was able to add 16lbs to my squat, match my bench PR more comfortably than I’ve ever hit, and I added 22lbs to my deadlift. Very pleased for sure! 

How did working with me compare to your previous experience with nutrition programming?  I had no previous experience with nutrition planning, so I would say this compared quite favorably to any type of nutrition tracking I have done on my own.

Was coaching “worth it” to you?  I think what I liked most about having Kim a coach was how she could intertwine her knowledge about foods and their impact on performance in a fashion that was very easy for me to implement. For example, when I had to increase my pre-workout and intra-workout carbs, she gave me a whole heap of different options of foods that I could use to satisfy those targets that easily accommodate my lifestyle and preferences. The fact of the matter that she showed me I can eat the foods I enjoy and not over-restrict. This was fantastic  and helped me perform better. 

On top of all her knowledge, Kim was super accessible and I never felt like I was bothering her when I was asking her questions. Similar to that, it really did feel like Kim cared about my goals just as much as I did, and that was always a great source of motivation. In terms of whether her coaching was worth it or not, I’d say it was absolutely worth it. I was able to take the knowledge I learned from her and implement in my daily life even after the coaching had ended to great success.

Sarah F.

Favorite Activities: OrangeTheory and long walks with hubby!

What was your goal and are you pleased with the results?  My original goal was to lose 10 lbs., then changed it to 15 lbs. After 12 weeks of working with Kim I lost 15 lbs. Not only have I lost 15 lbs., but I’ve managed to keep it off.

How did working with me compare to your previous experience dieting?  Working with Kim was life changing.  I learned so much about food. Using her macro suggestions for daily meals, I found I was satisfied and not hungry until it was time to eat again. I got to eat the foods I wanted to eat as long as they “fit” in the macro counts.  It felt very empowering to create a meal plan that I enjoyed but also that helped lose the weight!  

Was coaching “worth it” to you?  ABSOLUTELY WORTH EVERY PENNY!  I have been trying to lose weight with no success for a more than 3 years.  I honestly, didn’t understand why I couldn’t lose the weight.  I was working out at OrangeTheory 3 days a week and watching what I ate (so I thought).  Kim, was my cheerleader when I needed extra encouragement.  She was always willing to help with new snack and meal ideas.  I loved the charts she sent me, so I could see the weight loss as it was happening.

Kym J.

Favorite Activities: CrossFit, Hiking

What was your goal and are you pleased with the results?  My original goal was to lose about 10-15 lbs while making sure I kept my muscle and strength as high as possible. During my time with Kim, I lost a total of 13 lbs and reduced my total body fat by 5% –  I’m very pleased with these results

How did working with me compare to your previous experience dieting?  I really appreciated having a practical plan and approach that focused on fat loss versus weight loss. The plan was very easy to follow and I didn’t need to count macros, which I really appreciated. Feeling great during training is important to me and it felt good fueling my body the right way. Having the 1:1 time with Kim gave me a lot of confidence in my food selection and I appreciated the brainstorming on new meal and snack ideas that met my needs.

Was coaching “worth it” to you?  Yes. I learned that it was possible to achieve my goals and also have some flexibility to enjoy food on trips and vacation. Kim’s coaching gave me additional confidence that I could stay on track despite my very busy lifestyle.

Jim F.

During my first 12 weeks with Kim I managed to cut 17# and 3.5 inches from my waist. My sleep quality increased greatly and my strength actually increased, as well. My powerlifting total went up 25.8# and I set a couple of new PRs during a competition while cutting. I am currently in my 14th week following her guidance and have gone from 283# to 264.2# during the entire journey, so far. She has helped me develop a diet that works for me and even allowed me to enjoy my vices (energy drinks and gummy bears) responsibly. I definitely couldn’t have done this without her.

Nick P.

For anyone who wants to lose weight and is on the fence about it, I highly recommend it. This is my 8th week on the program and I am in awe of the results. I started at 228.6 pounds and as of this morning I’m down to 213.6 pounds. That’s 15 pounds lost in less than 8 weeks, and more than halfway to my mid-term goal of getting under 200 pounds! I need to buy new pants because they’re all falling down now. I’ve even gotten sloppy about tracking my macros over the past couple weeks (need to get back on that) but because I’ve learned intuitively what I should be eating I continue to make progress. And my adherence to the plan has been far from perfect…sometimes I mess up and my weight creeps back up, but it’s been easy for me to get back on track.

Joe M.

I have learned so much more about nutrition than I ever thought, Kim is always available for help and is extremely encouraging. I have always wanted to combine a nutrition coach with my training and I was so happy when HDT brought Kim on board to do just that. The cost of the program is pennies compared to the knowledge and health benefits gained by eating better and making life changes. Habits begin with a decision and discipline; make a decision to live better. By learning how to eat for a more healthy life that is full of energy, enthusiasm, and regained confidence!

Anastasia P.

Kim is SO wonderful to work with. She is incredibly knowledgeable and gives it to you straight and doesn’t sugar coat anything. I enjoyed working with her (about 6 months!) and would totally do it again. I gained a lot of additional knowledge and not to mention the recipes she provides are SO BOMB! And they’re also v macro friendly. I can’t thank her enough for all the help, advice and guidance she provided to me!