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Banana Peanut Butter Muffins

Amazingly simple recipe for delicious banana peanut butter muffins packed with protein (and some veggies!)

Peanut Butter Banana Muffins
These muffins are MOIST. There – I said it.

This recipe was inspired by a client who was looking for a change of pace for breakfast…..enter the peanut butter banana muffin with a secret ingredient – riced cauliflower!

I’ve come to appreciate the versatility of cauliflower for baking. It’s flavor neutral and can add a lot of moisture and volume which allows for a reduction the amount of flour and fats used used. Nutritionally, it helps us met our daily fiber requirements, and is also a great source of Vitamin C, Vitamin K, and Folate.

Rather than rice my own cauliflower, I purchase it frozen. It can be found at most stores, the one that I used for this recipe is from Costco. Many recipes call for squeezing out as much water as you can after cooking. However, for this recipe we want the water so no need to squeeze.

This recipe is soooo easy – in just over 20 minutes you’ll have a whole batch of tasty peanut butter banana muffins. I recommend using silicone cupcake molds so they pop right out after cooling. I highly recommend using a bit of extra peanut butter as “icing”. Yum.

Super simple recipe for delicious banana peanut butter muffins packed with protein (AND veggies!)

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