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Blueberry Burst Breakfast Muffins

Blueberry Power Breakfast Muffins
Blueberry Power Breakfast Muffins

Need a portable breakfast to jam out of the house quick in the morning? These vegan high protein blueberry burst breakfast muffins are filling and wholesome, with delicious berry sweetness. 8g of protein per muffin, with low sugar.

I created this recipe for my athletes who follow a vegan diet (or do not tolerate dairy). Ensuring adequate high quality protein intake is critical. Instead of milk or other dairy, these muffins use tofu (yes, tofu!) in the base. Soy is an all-star source of plant protein. It’s lean, contains adequate concentrations of all essential amino acids, and is relatively well digested and absorbed. Even if you don’t care for tofu, you will like these muffins. The tofu is blended down, and then combined with flavorful almond flour, oats, pancake mix, banana, and juicy blueberries to create the batter.

Notes about the recipe

A high power blender is required for this recipe (I use a Vitamix). Make sure the tofu is extra firm variety, and add any water in the tofu package into the blender.

Blended Tofu

Blending down the tofu takes a bit of patience at first. Crumble it as much as possible as you add it to the blender. Start on low power and gradually increase speed; scrape down the sides and mix with a spoon as many times as necessary until it blends uniformly. If needed, add 1 tbsp. water to help the process. Once able to blend smoothly for 30 seconds on high speed, add banana, cinnamon, and baking powder. An additional 1 tbsp. of water may be needed after adding these ingredients to be able to mix on high again. The mixture should look like the picture at left – it’s very thick, but pourable.

The banana and blueberries provide very light sweetness to the muffins. If you prefer sweeter, add monkfruit or other sweetener to the blender mixture when you add the baking powder. Be sure to save some blueberries to place on top of each muffin for some extra sweet bursts! Optionally, sprinkle on a few oats (or chopped nuts) for a little bit of crunch.

For baking, I used a metal 12-well muffin pan lightly sprayed with cooking spray. Baking time may vary if you use a silicone muffin pan. The muffins popped out easily after cooling for a few minutes.

Will this recipe work with other fruit? Absolutely! Some other suggestions are raspberries, blackberries, or strawberries (but in pieces).

For meal prep

Blueberry Power Breakfast Muffins

I recommend prepping these blueberry burst breakfast muffins on Sunday for busy weekday mornings. Cool the muffins completely before storing in an airtight container in the fridge. They will keep for 5-6 days. While they taste good cold, I prefer them zapped in the microwave or toaster oven. Pair with a portable plant yogurt cup, and you’re out the door with a delicious breakfast.

Need a portable breakfast to jam out of the house quick in the morning? These vegan high protein blueberry burst breakfast muffins are filling and wholesome, with delicious berry sweetness. 8g of protein per muffin, with low sugar.

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Blueberry Lemon Protein Crepes

Blueberry Lemon Protein Crepes

These simple blueberry lemon protein crepes combine the sweetness of blueberries and vanilla with tangy lemon for a fun weekend breakfast treat.

Blueberry Lemon Protein Crepes

Spring has sprung and bright flowers are popping out here in San Diego! It inspired me to create a colorful new breakfast recipe – using the classic combination of blueberry, vanilla, and lemon.

Each one of these lovely blueberry lemon protein crepes delivers 25g of protein, 25g carbs, and less than 3g fat – it’s an excellent after training meal. I highly recommend using wild blueberries (smaller and sweeter) but any type will work. A strawberry filling would also pair well with the lemon if you aren’t a blueberry fan. Truly, there are endless combinations by using different flavors of protein powder and fillings mixed with the yogurt.

For the protein power, I recommend Trutein Vanilla Bean (a blend of whey, egg, and casein protein). This protein blend tolerates heat well during cooking and provides the right texture.

The crepe preparation is very forgiving and you can adjust the thickness by adding more or less water to the batter.

Sweet blueberries and vanilla with tangy lemon are a perfect spring pairing in this fun weekend breakfast treat.

Look forward to getting your feedback on this recipe! Please share on socials or with a friend if you enjoyed it.

If you are looking for some directed, custom help to meet your health and performance goals, please contact me. No better time to start than now.

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