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Chocolate Protein Fudge Pops

These chocolate protein fudge pops help crush night-time cravings without the sugar. Each pop has 15 g of protein and 155 Calories so you can stay on track. Greek yogurt, chocolate protein powder and loads of rich cacao will certainly satisfy a sweet tooth.

This recipe is scaled to fit perfectly in a 6-well popsicle mold. You have to be a bit patient with mixing the VERY THICK batter and slowly adding it to each well, aggressively tamping the mold after adding each spoonful to remove air pockets.

Chocolate Protein Fudge Pop

Why casein protein? It’s very filling and also slower digesting compared to other protein concentrates and isolates. This recipe also works great with Trutein Chocolate (whey/egg/casein blend) – reduce the amount of nut milk (see notes). I have not tried this recipe with pure whey, but suspect it will be difficult to get the right texture.

I used Splenda, however any powdered sweetener will work. Adjust the amount as desired to get the sweetness level you want. The key is to not add additional liquids to the mixture so that ice crystals don’t form. Here’s a close-up of the texture. (Double bonus points if you have these chocolate protein fudge pops with a squirt of Hershey’s naturals chocolate syrup).

Check out the nutrition difference between these fudge pops and popular packaged alternatives.

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These extra chocolatey, super filling fudgesicles help crush night-time sweet cravings without the sugar. With >15g protein per pop, you can stay on track while still enjoying a treat.

Let me know if you made these and what you thought!

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Chocolate & Vanilla Protein Cheesecake

Chocolate & Vanilla Protein Cheesecake
Mini Protein Cheesecake

This is an easy no-bake chocolate & vanilla protein cheesecake to help with a sweet craving. Made in a cupcake mold for a perfect single serving treat.

This mini protein cheesecake combines pure almond flour and cacao with a touch of sweetener for the crust. The filling uses Trutein vanilla bean protein powder. Red Velvet Cake, Chocolate, or Salted Caramel are also great options. Trutein is a blend of whey, egg, and casein proteins.

This recipe also works with plant-based protein powders. I recommend chocolate with a bit of cacao added as well as a dash of sweetener.

It’s hard to be patient, but place in freezer for at least 20 minutes to chill and firm them up before enjoying. 🙂

There’s no better time to invest in yourself and adopt sustainable healthy habits – get started here.

A decadent single-serving cheesecake desert with less than 150 Calories and just over 20 g protein.

Disclosure: as an amazon associate I earn from qualifying purchases. This supports keeping the website ad and pop-up free.

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Golden Protein Egg Crepes

Egg Crepes
Golden Egg Crepes

Perfect for a quick breakfast, these golden protein egg crepes use only a few natural ingredients and can be made sweet or savory.

With minimal cooking time you’ll have three healthy, golden protein egg crepes ready to fill however you wish. I’ve been making these regularly for breakfast on the weekend and prepping a few extra for during the week. they refrigerate well and can be microwaved for a few seconds for re-heat. Filling possibilities are endless. The pictured crepes are filled with yogurt and mango puree.

Any flour will work for this recipe, regular white, whole wheat, gluten free, etc. For sweet crepe filling, I recommend adding a pinch of cinnamon and small splash of vanilla extract to the batter. You could also add peanut butter powder or coco powder to change up the flavor.

A few filling ideas:

  • Savory (omit cinnamon) ground turkey/turkey sausage, tomato, spinach, and feta.
  • Pickles and some lean deli turkey or ham, dip in mustard
  • Sweet: Greek yogurt + fruit puree
  • Plain with a smear of peanut butter!

Perfect for an ultra-quick breakfast or brunch, these crepes use only a few natural ingredients and can be made sweet or savory.

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