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Peanut Butter Parfait (Vegan)

Vegan Peanut Butter Parfait
Vegan Peanut Butter Breakfast Parfait

Peanut butter lovers rejoice! This vegan peanut butter breakfast parfait is a convenient higher protein and lower carb breakfast or make-ahead snack. 25g of protein per serving and lower in carbs vs. traditional overnight oats.

Eating to improve athletic performance, shed fat, or build strength doesn’t mean boring food. Let’s work together to fuel your goals. Contact me.

I love the convenience of overnight oats and parfaits for a grab-and-go breakfast. Naturally, most recipes tend to be heavy on the carbs due to high oat content. That’s not necessarily a bad thing, but often we’re looking for a more nutrient- balanced meal or snack that will better contribute to daily protein intake.

8 oz. wide-mouth mason jars are the perfect size to make 3 or 4 servings from this recipe, and easier to eat from than regular mason or jelly jars. If you want to make larger portions or scale up the recipe, jump to the 16 oz. size.

Reducing carbs

Vegan Peanut Butter Breakfast Parfait

In this vegan peanut butter breakfast parfait, I substituted some of the oats for cooked riced cauliflower to reduce total carbohydrates. The cauli provides excellent texture, increases volume, and the flavor is overwhelmed by the peanut butter. I have a number of clients who have difficulty incorporating more minimally processed veggies into their diets. Between the oats and the cauliflower, these peanut butter overnight oats provide 9 g of fiber per serving. It’s very filling!

Protein Source

Blended Tofu

The ideal protein source for this parfait is soy – it’s a complete protein and well digested. So, in this recipe we’re utilizing tofu as the base. If you’ve never tried blending tofu before, it’s an amazing “batter” for overnight oats and parfaits, as well as baked recipes!

For blending, make sure that the tofu is smooth and can flow in the blender (see picture). Add water as necessary and pause to scrape down the sides and move the tofu around when you’re starting out.

If you have a soy allergy or aren’t into tofu, instead follow this recipe and substitute dairy protein powder a plant-based blend.

The amount of sweetener is personal preference. 1 tbsp. will be lightly sweet, whereas 3 tbsp. will be very sweet. I recommend tasting the tofu batter after adding the cinnamon + 1 tbsp. of sweetener to decide if you want to add more.

NOTE: The quantity of water added dictates the final texture and thickness, and the parfait will become thicker after refrigeration. The recipe as shown will make a very thick parfait after refrigeration. Mix in additional water, 1 tbsp. at a time to the final batter before pouring into the jars if you prefer it thinner.

It’s simple to adjust this peanut butter parfait for your needs. A few examples:

  • For higher carbs, add more oats or mix in some fresh or frozen fruit – tart cherries or blueberries would be AMAZING!
  • For lower carbs, double the riced cauliflower and eliminate the oats – aka overnight “n’oats”
  • Adjust the fat by using more or less peanut butter.
Peanut butter love! This satisfying vegan peanut butter breakfast parfait is a convenient high protein lower carb breakfast or snack.  25g of protein per serving,  lower in carbs vs. overnight oats.

Disclosure: I am an Amazon Associate and earn from qualifying purchases. This helps keep the website ad-free.

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Peanut Butter Overnight Oats

Peanut Butter Overnight Oats

Eating to improve athletic performance, shed fat, or build strength doesn’t mean boring food. Let’s work together to fuel your goals. Contact me.

Peanut Butter Overnight Oats

Peanut butter heaven! This higher protein lower carb peanut butter overnight oats recipe is a convenient breakfast or easy make-ahead snack. 30g of protein per serving and lower in carbs vs. traditional overnight oats.

I love the convenience of overnight oats for a grab-and-go breakfast. Naturally, most recipes tend to be heavy on the carbs due to high oat content. That’s not necessarily a bad thing, but often we’re looking for a more nutrient- balanced meal or snack that will better contribute to daily protein intake.

8 oz. wide-mouth mason jars are the perfect size to make 3 or 4 servings from this recipe, and easier to eat from than standard diameter mason or jelly jars. If you want to make larger portions or scale up the recipe, jump to the 16 oz. size.

Reducing carbs

In this recipe I substituted half of the oats with fully cooked riced cauliflower to reduce total carbohydrates. The cauli provides excellent texture, increases volume, and has no taste…’s totally overwhelmed by delicious peanut butter! I have a number of clients who have difficulty incorporating vegetables into their diet, and this recipe is a simple example of how to incorporate a “hidden” minimally processed veggie. Between the oats and the cauliflower, these peanut butter overnight oats provide 9 g of fiber per serving. It’s very filling!

Protein Source

For the protein power, I used Vanilla Bean Trutein. It’s a blend of whey, egg, and casein protein. It’s a product I’ve been using for years, and found to provide the best texture and taste. The recipe is forgiving if you want to use a different type of protein power, you’ll likely need less water for pure whey, and more water for pure casein or plant-based.

The quantity of water added dictates the final texture and thickness, and the oats will become thicker after refrigeration. 1 cup of water will make very thick oats using Trutein. Add in 2 tbsp. increments beyond this to get to where you think you want it.

It’s simple to adjust these peanut butter overnight oats for your needs. A few examples:

  • For higher carbs, add more oats or mix in some fresh or frozen fruit – tart cherries would be AMAZING!
  • For lower carbs, double the riced cauliflower and eliminate the oats – aka overnight “n’oats”
  • Adjust the fat by using more or less peanut butter.
  • For a vegan option, utilize vanilla flavored soy protein or plant-protein blend

8 oz. wide-mouth mason jars are the perfect size to make 3 or 4 servings from this recipe, and easier to eat from than regular mason or jelly jars. If you want to make larger portions or scale up the recipe, jump to the 16 oz. size.

Peanut butter heaven! This higher protein lower carb peanut butter overnight oats recipe is a super-convenient breakfast or on the go snack. 30 g of protein and half the carbs of traditional overnight oats.

Disclosure: I am an Amazon Associate and earn from qualifying purchases. This helps keep the website ad-free.

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Banana Peanut Butter Muffins

Amazingly simple recipe for delicious banana peanut butter muffins packed with protein (and some veggies!)

Peanut Butter Banana Muffins
These muffins are MOIST. There – I said it.

This recipe was inspired by a client who was looking for a change of pace for breakfast…..enter the peanut butter banana muffin with a secret ingredient – riced cauliflower!

I’ve come to appreciate the versatility of cauliflower for baking. It’s flavor neutral and can add a lot of moisture and volume which allows for a reduction the amount of flour and fats used used. Nutritionally, it helps us met our daily fiber requirements, and is also a great source of Vitamin C, Vitamin K, and Folate.

Rather than rice my own cauliflower, I purchase it frozen. It can be found at most stores, the one that I used for this recipe is from Costco. Many recipes call for squeezing out as much water as you can after cooking. However, for this recipe we want the water so no need to squeeze.

This recipe is soooo easy – in just over 20 minutes you’ll have a whole batch of tasty peanut butter banana muffins. I recommend using silicone cupcake molds so they pop right out after cooling. I highly recommend using a bit of extra peanut butter as “icing”. Yum.

Super simple recipe for delicious banana peanut butter muffins packed with protein (AND veggies!)

Contact me to discuss a customized nutrition plan and coaching to meet your physique and performance goals.

Disclosure: as an amazon associate I earn from qualifying purchases. This supports keeping the website ad and pop-up free.

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Frozen Peanut Butter Cups

frozen peanut butter cups

These high protein frozen peanut butter cups are the perfect cure for an evening sweet tooth and a go-to treat to help stay on track.

Frozen Peanut Butter Cups

If you are working to get more protein in your diet, it can be a struggle at first. Incorporation from lean whole foods – poultry, meats, dairy, eggs, tofu, is the foundation, and protein powder supplements can be used as a supporting option, especially to help with a sweet tooth. These frozen protein peanut butter cups are a great example.

Before we get started talking about the recipe, you’re first going to need some silicone molds for your cups to ensure they pop out perfectly:

Plan ahead, you need to freeze them for at least two hours before enjoying. I encourage you to make a large batch to eat throughout the week…. YES you could eat these every night! If they have been frozen for a prolonged period, thaw them at room temperature for 15 minutes before eating.

The macros are highly adjustable. I used a ~50:50 mix of peanut powder and peanut butter. Use 100% peanut powder to decrease fat, or use 100% peanut butter to increase fat. For the protein powder I’m using Chocolate Trutein (whey-egg-casein) blended with a bit of coco powder for extra chocolatey-ness. The flavor combos are endless. If you are using a different type of powder, you will likely need to adjust the amount of nut or seed milk.

Non-peanut alternative

If you are allergic to peanuts, almond powder plus almond butter can be substituted directly. If you are allergic to all nuts, sunflower butter works great as well.

These high protein frozen peanut butter cups are a delicious bedtime treat and can help you stay on track when tempted to eat Reese’s!

I hope you enjoy this recipe – send me a picture of yours

Need some help with your nutrition? Let’s work together to help you achieve your goals.

Disclosure: as an amazon associate I earn from qualifying purchases. This supports keeping the website ad-free.