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Peach & Almond Overnight Oats (Vegan)

Peachy Almond Overnight Oats
Vegan Peach Almond Overnight Oats

This higher protein, lower carb vegan peach & almond overnight oats recipe combines delicious peach, toasted almonds, and cinnamon flavors into a satisfying treat. 25 g of protein per serving and lower in carbs vs. traditional overnight oats.

Eating to improve athletic performance, shed fat, or build strength doesn’t mean boring food. Let’s work together to fuel your goals. Contact me.

I love the convenience of overnight oats and parfaits for a grab-and-go breakfast. Naturally, most recipes tend to be heavy on the carbs due to high oat content. That’s not necessarily a bad thing, but often we’re looking for a more nutrient- balanced meal or snack that will better contribute to daily protein intake.

8 oz. wide-mouth mason jars are the perfect size to make 3 or 4 servings from this recipe, and easier to eat from than regular mason or jelly jars. If you want to make larger portions or scale up the recipe, jump to the 16 oz. size.

Reducing carbs

In this vegan peach & almond overnight oats recipe, I substituted some of the oats for cooked riced cauliflower to reduce total carbohydrates. The cauli provides excellent texture, increases volume, and the flavor is overwhelmed by the peanut butter. I have a number of clients who have difficulty incorporating more minimally processed veggies into their diets. Between the oats and the cauliflower, one jar provides 6 g of fiber per serving. It’s very filling!

Protein Sources

The ideal protein source for this vegan recipe is soy – it’s a complete protein and well digested. So, we’re utilizing tofu as the base. If you’ve never tried blending tofu before, it’s an amazing “batter” for overnight oats and parfaits, as well as baked recipes!

For blending, make sure that the tofu is smooth and can flow in the blender (see picture). Add water as necessary and pause to scrape down the sides and move the tofu around when you’re starting out.

Just before eating your oats, add on some edamame puffs for a lovely crunch and an additional boost of protein. If you have a soy allergy, instead follow this recipe and substitute dairy protein powder a plant-based blend.

Other Notes

The amount of sweetener is personal preference. 1 tbsp. will be minimally sweet, whereas 3 tbsp. will be very sweet. I recommend tasting the tofu batter after adding the cinnamon + 1 tbsp. of sweetener to decide if you want to add more.

The quantity of water added dictates the final texture and thickness, and the parfait will become thicker after refrigeration. The recipe as shown will make a very thick parfait after refrigeration. Mix in additional water, 1 tbsp. at a time to the final batter before pouring into the jars if you prefer it thinner.

It’s simple to adjust this peach & almond overnight oats recipe for your needs. A few examples:

  • For higher carbs, add additional oats or diced peaches
  • For lower carbs, double the riced cauliflower and eliminate the oats – aka overnight “n’oats”
  • Adjust the fat by using less almonds
This higher protein, lower carb vegan overnight oats recipe combines delicious peach, almond, and cinnamon flavors into a satisfying treat. 25 g of protein per serving and lower in carbs vs. traditional overnight oats.

Disclosure: I am an Amazon Associate and earn from qualifying purchases. This helps keep the website ad-free.

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Peanut Butter Parfait (Vegan)

Vegan Peanut Butter Parfait
Vegan Peanut Butter Breakfast Parfait

Peanut butter lovers rejoice! This vegan peanut butter breakfast parfait is a convenient higher protein and lower carb breakfast or make-ahead snack. 25g of protein per serving and lower in carbs vs. traditional overnight oats.

Eating to improve athletic performance, shed fat, or build strength doesn’t mean boring food. Let’s work together to fuel your goals. Contact me.

I love the convenience of overnight oats and parfaits for a grab-and-go breakfast. Naturally, most recipes tend to be heavy on the carbs due to high oat content. That’s not necessarily a bad thing, but often we’re looking for a more nutrient- balanced meal or snack that will better contribute to daily protein intake.

8 oz. wide-mouth mason jars are the perfect size to make 3 or 4 servings from this recipe, and easier to eat from than regular mason or jelly jars. If you want to make larger portions or scale up the recipe, jump to the 16 oz. size.

Reducing carbs

Vegan Peanut Butter Breakfast Parfait

In this vegan peanut butter breakfast parfait, I substituted some of the oats for cooked riced cauliflower to reduce total carbohydrates. The cauli provides excellent texture, increases volume, and the flavor is overwhelmed by the peanut butter. I have a number of clients who have difficulty incorporating more minimally processed veggies into their diets. Between the oats and the cauliflower, these peanut butter overnight oats provide 9 g of fiber per serving. It’s very filling!

Protein Source

Blended Tofu

The ideal protein source for this parfait is soy – it’s a complete protein and well digested. So, in this recipe we’re utilizing tofu as the base. If you’ve never tried blending tofu before, it’s an amazing “batter” for overnight oats and parfaits, as well as baked recipes!

For blending, make sure that the tofu is smooth and can flow in the blender (see picture). Add water as necessary and pause to scrape down the sides and move the tofu around when you’re starting out.

If you have a soy allergy or aren’t into tofu, instead follow this recipe and substitute dairy protein powder a plant-based blend.

The amount of sweetener is personal preference. 1 tbsp. will be lightly sweet, whereas 3 tbsp. will be very sweet. I recommend tasting the tofu batter after adding the cinnamon + 1 tbsp. of sweetener to decide if you want to add more.

NOTE: The quantity of water added dictates the final texture and thickness, and the parfait will become thicker after refrigeration. The recipe as shown will make a very thick parfait after refrigeration. Mix in additional water, 1 tbsp. at a time to the final batter before pouring into the jars if you prefer it thinner.

It’s simple to adjust this peanut butter parfait for your needs. A few examples:

  • For higher carbs, add more oats or mix in some fresh or frozen fruit – tart cherries or blueberries would be AMAZING!
  • For lower carbs, double the riced cauliflower and eliminate the oats – aka overnight “n’oats”
  • Adjust the fat by using more or less peanut butter.
Peanut butter love! This satisfying vegan peanut butter breakfast parfait is a convenient high protein lower carb breakfast or snack.  25g of protein per serving,  lower in carbs vs. overnight oats.

Disclosure: I am an Amazon Associate and earn from qualifying purchases. This helps keep the website ad-free.

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Blueberry Burst Breakfast Muffins

Blueberry Power Breakfast Muffins
Blueberry Power Breakfast Muffins

Need a portable breakfast to jam out of the house quick in the morning? These vegan high protein blueberry burst breakfast muffins are filling and wholesome, with delicious berry sweetness. 8g of protein per muffin, with low sugar.

I created this recipe for my athletes who follow a vegan diet (or do not tolerate dairy). Ensuring adequate high quality protein intake is critical. Instead of milk or other dairy, these muffins use tofu (yes, tofu!) in the base. Soy is an all-star source of plant protein. It’s lean, contains adequate concentrations of all essential amino acids, and is relatively well digested and absorbed. Even if you don’t care for tofu, you will like these muffins. The tofu is blended down, and then combined with flavorful almond flour, oats, pancake mix, banana, and juicy blueberries to create the batter.

Notes about the recipe

A high power blender is required for this recipe (I use a Vitamix). Make sure the tofu is extra firm variety, and add any water in the tofu package into the blender.

Blended Tofu

Blending down the tofu takes a bit of patience at first. Crumble it as much as possible as you add it to the blender. Start on low power and gradually increase speed; scrape down the sides and mix with a spoon as many times as necessary until it blends uniformly. If needed, add 1 tbsp. water to help the process. Once able to blend smoothly for 30 seconds on high speed, add banana, cinnamon, and baking powder. An additional 1 tbsp. of water may be needed after adding these ingredients to be able to mix on high again. The mixture should look like the picture at left – it’s very thick, but pourable.

The banana and blueberries provide very light sweetness to the muffins. If you prefer sweeter, add monkfruit or other sweetener to the blender mixture when you add the baking powder. Be sure to save some blueberries to place on top of each muffin for some extra sweet bursts! Optionally, sprinkle on a few oats (or chopped nuts) for a little bit of crunch.

For baking, I used a metal 12-well muffin pan lightly sprayed with cooking spray. Baking time may vary if you use a silicone muffin pan. The muffins popped out easily after cooling for a few minutes.

Will this recipe work with other fruit? Absolutely! Some other suggestions are raspberries, blackberries, or strawberries (but in pieces).

For meal prep

Blueberry Power Breakfast Muffins

I recommend prepping these blueberry burst breakfast muffins on Sunday for busy weekday mornings. Cool the muffins completely before storing in an airtight container in the fridge. They will keep for 5-6 days. While they taste good cold, I prefer them zapped in the microwave or toaster oven. Pair with a portable plant yogurt cup, and you’re out the door with a delicious breakfast.

Need a portable breakfast to jam out of the house quick in the morning? These vegan high protein blueberry burst breakfast muffins are filling and wholesome, with delicious berry sweetness. 8g of protein per muffin, with low sugar.

Need a customized nutrition plan with support and accountability to meet your physique and performance goals? Contact me.

For more tips and meal ideas, follow me on Facebook and Instagram.

Disclosure: I am an Amazon Associate and earn from qualifying purchases. This helps keep the website ad-free and more enjoyable.

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Basil Garlic Pesto


This dairy free, basil garlic pesto has all of the tang and flavor of traditional pesto, with a fraction of the fat.

Traditional ingredients in a pesto are basil, oil, pine nuts, and a hard cheese such as parmesan. Thanks to nutritional yeast and cashews, here’s a more macro-friendly, dairy-free, oil-free version of basil garlic pesto. Compare:

  • Typical Pesto: 165 Calories for 2 tbsp, with 15g of fat, 4g of carbs, and 3g of protein.
  • This Recipe: 78 Calories for 2 tbsp. serving with 3g fat, 6g carbs, and 6g protein.

What is Nutritional Yeast and why is it in this basil garlic pesto?

Yeast is a fungus – living, single cell critters. When used in baking, yeast eats the sugar and produce carbon dioxide (and alcohol). The carbon dioxide gas is what gives bread its lightness and beautiful airy holes. When the yeast is dead, bread doesn’t rise. Nutritional yeast is the same type of fungus as regular yeast….except it’s intentionally killed during the manufacturing process.

Yeast is a source of (complete) protein and carbs. It’s also micronutrient dense and most notably rich in folic acid and B-12. Given that vegans have fewer food source options when it comes to complete protein sources and certain vitamins and minerals, it’s an excellent add in a plant-based diet. Limited research on certain constituents within nutritional yeast indicate the possibility of antioxidant effect and reduction in cholesterol. I don’t find the data conclusive enough, however given the excellent overall nutrient properties of the food, it’s certainly worth trying it out.

Nutritional yeast readily incorporates into nearly any type of recipe and imparts a “cheesiness” flavor without the cheese. Therefore, those who are lactose intolerant may also enjoy this for some cheese-like flavor. You can simply shake it on top of whatever you’re eating or incorporate it into a sauce or dip. I’ve shaken it directly on salads as well as popcorn. It has a fairly strong smell, but the taste is very mild.

This delicious lower fat, non-diary pesto works great as a dip, dressing, or sauce.

Ready to focus on your nutrition goals? Contact me to discuss coaching.

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