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Turkey Cranberry Sweet Potato

Turkey Cranberry Sweet Potato TacoJump to recipe

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This turkey cranberry sweet potato is Thanksgiving rolled into one highly portable meal. Perfect if you’re short on time and looking for satisfying weekday lunches.

Like most plants, sweet potatoes contain beneficial micronutrients – vitamins, minerals, fiber, and antioxidants. The antioxidants are also responsible for the color diversity. Carotenoids are orange and yellow light emitters. Found in highest concentration in Beauregard sweet potatoes, beta-carotene is a precursor that our bodies use to produce Vitamin A. Lutein and zeaxanthin also belong to this family – both support eye health.

Notes about the recipe:

  • In addition to high Vitamin A and antioxidant concentration, with the potato skin and celery you’re also getting 12 of fiber!
  • Any variety of sweet potato works for this recipe. The quickest method is to cook the potatoes in the microwave, but if you do have the time, baking in the oven will provided a richer flavor.
  • Nutrition for each potato is 363 kcal 26P | 13F | 37C with the assumption that the hollowed out potato weighs 100g.
  • I used 93/7 lean ground turkey; chopped up leftover turkey breast would be perfect!
  • If you want to adjust the carbs up or down, use a large potato or smaller potato.

Let me know if you enjoyed these turkey sweet potato tacos! Follow me on Facebook and Instragram for more recipe ideas, and other nutrition info.